Easter Weekend is Here. (You Should Be, Too.)

This weekend, millions of Christians around the globe will gather to celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, the cornerstone event that split time in two and changed this world – and the next – forever.
And if we’re honest, you’re not so worried about millions of Christians as you are about the dozens…or hundreds…or thousands that you’re expecting at your church.
You’ve planned. You’ve prepared. You’ve prayed. You’ve pulled out extra chairs and set up extra venues and invited extra volunteers and put in extra hours because you know that this weekend’s service(s) are going to be … well … extra.
But if we’re not careful, we as church leaders can get so busy preparing for Easter that we fail to pause for Easter. We can plan a worship service minute-by-minute, but fail to take a few minutes for the good of our own souls. We can get so busy with proclaiming the good news to others that we forget to take in the good news for ourselves.
So this weekend, fight. Fight like crazy to be here. To be present. To weep over the horrors of Good Friday. To sit quietly in the silence of Holy Saturday. To exult in the excitement of Resurrection Sunday.
Mourn over your sin that sent Jesus to the cross. Rejoice in the love that couldn’t keep him in the grave.
Attend a service. Don’t just plan one, attend one. Don’t just serve at several, but savor at least one.
The resurrection has come. Jesus is risen. Don’t miss it because you’re working it.