What Did Your Words Just Say?

5 Responses

  1. Yo' Sis says:

    UGH! How did you know i just had “words” with the lady at Village Mart because the gas pump didn’t cut off and gas was pouring out all over the ground? Guess I will be going back by there…thanks bro’! Love you!

  2. Michelle says:

    Wow! Great post. So true, for me and for so many others. I promise to do better, be better and love better the people God has entrusted me with! 🙂

    • Sharon says:

      This is true for me also. I need to be more mindful of the message I’m sending! Thank you for making me think!

  1. October 7, 2014

    […] (click for photo credit) Sunday. The grocery store. A quick stop on the way home from church to pick up snacks for small group. Small talk with the lady at the register. "How's your day going so fa…  […]

  2. May 15, 2015

    […] Read the entire original post here. […]

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