Starting Point-a-palooza

5 Responses

  1. soundsliketomatoes says:

    Wow, this really makes me miss being at The Summit. BTW, I want to officially ask if I can link your blog to mine and thus create community? (don’t ask me, Lance keeps giving me hints to having a successful blog and this is one of the 130 things every blogger should do or something)

  2. Danny says:

    You could always commute once a month and get in on the fun as a Table Host. I’ll trade Lance some banana pudding for his theological expertise.
    Sure thing…link away!

  3. spenceshelton says:

    I need a magical land to hail from. So I can say…its like we say in TN. but that is just Greensboro for me. “Its like we say in greensboro…you better not get on Wendover Ave at 5 O’Clock”?? Just doesnt ring.

  4. amanda says:

    Welcome, Sweet Friend, into the world of bloggers. Yours will be a funny, quirky attempt to make people chuckle and think…

    I am glad you FINALLY submitted to the masses and started writing!

  5. Carla says:

    Yes I am reading your blog still to this day and yet it is entertaining. Especially after writing my autobio. in 6-8 pages.

Start the conversation.

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