Confessions of a Control Freak

10 Responses

  1. soundsliketomatoes says:

    You know a good way to learn this lesson? Let your 4 and 6 year old children “help” with dinner every single night in an attempt to have good quality time. For me, most of it is spent with my eyes closed, fingers pinching the bridge of my nose and counting to ten. But that’ll break anyone of the whole “do it my way” thing. I know, this is super spiritual.

  2. Joel says:

    I think that we are opposites. I grew up in a family where my dad was a “give me that! I’ll do it for you-dumby!!” kind of guy. Because of that I’m obsessed with letting people take resposibilities and run with them. I’ve found that most of my people don’t want too much freedom-they still tend to not think for themselves (I also hate being an “extra-set-of-hands.”) How do you get those people to cut the aprone strings and become leaders? You want to let things go and let people but are learning to let go. I want people to go and think for themselves, but I can’t seem to get them to let go of my hands.

  3. Danny says:

    Kearsie, remind me not to eat anything Addie cooks. With her dannymosity, she can’t be trusted.

  4. Danny says:

    Joel, I think it all rises and falls on vision. If your people get infected with vision, you won’t be able to do anything to stop ’em. Communicating that vision falls to us as leaders, and while I’m okay at communicating the initial vision, I tend to fail in the ongoing reinforcement of that vision. A good resource for this is Andy Stanley’s great little book, “Making Vision Stick.”

  5. Joel says:

    Thanks dude! Can I start calling you my friend or do we need to wait a little bit longer?

  6. Danny says:

    Just a couple more weeks…

  1. June 8, 2012

    […] Read the entire post here. Share this:TwitterEmailPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post.   […]

  2. September 5, 2012

    […] some reason, my leaders never came up with stuff like this when I was a raging micromanager who wanted to dictate every last detail and be the guy who invented all the diagrams. I wonder why? […]

  3. September 6, 2016

    […] We’re too proud. Call it being a control freak. Chalk it up to your micro-managing ways. Just go ahead and say that no one can do the job as good […]

  4. August 21, 2017

    […] insist on micromanagement. Your way is the best way. There’s no room for other opinions or […]

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