1Another :: Bear the Burden

At the Summit, we’re currently going through the book of Acts of Sunday morning. Our Cannonball series is walking us through the “why” of church life. Today is a two-fer (here’s the other post) as we wrap up the week of posts teaming up with the Small Groups Guy as we run tandem on the “one another” passages in scripture. Make sure and check out Spence’s post for the day here.
Galatians 6:2: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (ESV)
I heart my small group.
If my car weren’t already plastered with other Summit propaganda, I’d be sporting that message for sure.
Our small group has been through a lot in the past 18 months. We’ve mourned the sudden death of a niece who contracted meningitis. We’ve remodeled two houses as couples prepare for either a move or an invalid parent. Within two weeks we had two children diagnosed with diabetes. We’ve birthed babies and buried grandparents. We’ve shut down businesses and waited for months on a house to sell. We’ve walked with each other through job changes, life changes, and more dysfunctional family situations than you can count.
The take away? Well, as much as you might think the take away is, “Whatever you do, don’t join Danny’s small group. Those freaks are jinxed,” the take away is that I couldn’t imagine what our lives would be like if we weren’t going through this together.
Every Sunday night as we gather, we do so not as perfect people, but as real people who are looking for community. It’s impossible to find that community of intimacy in a Sunday morning crowd of 1200, but we can sure find it in 12. I shudder to think what would have happened to any of us if we weren’t tethered to each other. I can’t imagine what my wife and the other ladies would do without our small groups leader’s wife who takes such good care of them. I don’t know what the guys in our group would do without our occasional wings and a movie night.
If you’re a part of the Summit and not in a small group, you’re only missing out on …oh, let’s say… 96% of the Summit experience. It’s not just a good idea, it’s vital. Believe me, you’ve got a burden coming. Who’s going to help you bear it?
Need a group? Check out GroupLink at all of our campuses on Sunday, January 18.
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[…] is walking us through the “why” of church life. Today is a two-fer (here’s the other post) as we wrap up the week of posts teaming up with the Small Groups Guy as we run tandem on the […]