Believe: Cardboard Testimonies

This past Sunday at the Summit was another incredible day. (I actually get tired of saying “incredible” about the Summit, because lately all Sundays have been incredible.  Tell me I’m lying and see if I don’t come where you are and cut you.)

The centerpiece of the service was a video we showed called “Cardboard Testimonies.”  Many, many other churches have done this; you can see those videos after a quick search on YouTube.  The stories on those videos at those churches are incredible, and I cry every time I watch them.

But the stories on Sunday’s video were from people I know.  These are people I serve alongside.  People who work with me in the office.  People that I remember coming through Starting Point.  People that I’ve cried with as they’ve shared their story.  People that I’ve rejoiced with when their story found its happy ending in the gospel.  Oh, and the little guy with the braces and the card that says “6th grade student”?  He’s mine.

I made it to Carrie’s story before my lip started quivering and I lost it.  (If you’re keeping track, Carrie was the first one on screen…I’m such a blubberhead.)

These stories are what Believe is all about.  We’re not building monuments, we’re witnessing a movement.  Click here to watch the video and see part of the movement for yourself…

2 Responses

  1. Ainsley says:

    I really enjoyed the one’s from the other churches, but to be a part of our churches testimony in faith was awesome! I am SO proud to be a part of the Summit and I can’t wait until we do this again because it is only just going to get better and better with all the stories left to share!

    Have an “incredible” day!
    Chiquita 🙂

  2. waddey says:

    Was that international missionary a Franks? Good stuff!

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