Take a Breath, Summit Peeps…

…we’re just a couple of days away from Easter Sunday.  It will be the biggest attendance weekend in history at the Summit Church, and here’s what you can do to get prepared:

Serving?  Then make plans to attend our volunteer-only worship service on Saturday at 5 PM in the Brier Creek auditorium.  This service will be identical to the Sunday service, plus we’ll have five minutes of bonus footage as we tell you what to plan for on Sunday morning.

Not serving?  Read this post for the standard guilt trip, and then show up early to your campus on Sunday to ask where you can be plugged in.  Check in with Justin Patrick (Brier Creek AM), Leanne Osborne (Cole Mill), Walter Strickland (West Club), or Eric Richardson (Brier Creek PM).  Don’t know those people?  Ask your Campus Pastor.  Don’t know your Campus Pastor?  You need to go to church more often.

Just attending?  Consider an off-peak time or venue at the following campuses: Cole Mill at 9:15, West Club at 9:45, or Brier Creek new Bay venue at 9:00 and 10:30.  If you show up at the Brier Creek Auditorium at 9:00 or 10:30, bring a shoe horn and a tub of Country Crock, because that’s the only way you’ll squeeze in there.

Serving at Brier Creek AM?  (Hey, I’ve gotta give a shout to my people without a steeple…I am their Campus Pastor, after all.)  We need you to park at Nitronex (the 3-story building behind the auditorium).  There are 175 spaces over there, and we’ll pick you up in a courtesy shuttle and drop you at the front door of the auditorium.  And when it’s over, we’ll take you back.  How cool is that?

Gang, it’s Good Friday.  Spend some time reading the crucifixion account, and meditate on the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for you and me.  Pray hard for Sunday and for the people you’re inviting!

Start the conversation.