One in Four

It’s Volunteer Week both on this blog and the Brier Creek AM Campus blog.  Want to know more?  Come to one of our Frontline events or go here to sign up for a ministry team.

Here are some quick stats to get your Tuesday morning off to a great start (statistically speaking):

  1. One in four British children do not play any sort of organized sports.
  2. One in four American adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given calendar year.
  3. One in four orders of super-sized McDonald’s french fries actually have Filet-O-Fish particles in them.
  4. One in four people in the U.S. are age 18 or below.
  5. One in four Nebraska school children have the middle name “Wayne.”
  6. One in four attempts to lick a frozen flagpole will actually cause your tongue to freeze to the pole.
  7. One in four households have been a victim of identity theft in the last five years.
  8. One in four Indian immigrants who call Canada “home” will send money back to India this year.
  9. One in four people who attend the Brier Creek AM Campus are serving on a ministry team.

In case you’re keeping track, #1, 2, 4, 7, and 8 are actually true statistics (I know that because I got them from Google).  #3, 5, 6 are inventions of my own brain, because one in four statistics are made up on the spot.

And sadly, #9 is most definitely true: according to a recent survey of our AM Campus, only one in four attendees serve in ministry either on Sunday morning or at another time during the week.

At first, this statistic is very sobering, because we’re a church where serving is one of our core values.  However, when you consider that one in two AM Campus attendees have been here for one year or less, that stat isn’t quite as overwhelming.  For 50% of our people not to jump right in and serve makes sense when you consider that they’re still getting a feel for what the culture of the Summit Church actually is.

That’s why I’m so excited to highlight the opportunity for people to step up and serve.  Maybe you’ve attended the Summit for just a few months and it looks like everything is a well-oiled machine.  Maybe you’ve been here for years and you’re currently taking a break from service.  Whatever position you find yourself in, hear this plea from your Campus Pastor:

We want you.  We need you.  We want to partner with you!

There are no fewer than 300 opportunities for you to serve…beginning this Sunday.  You can be a part of Summit Kids.  You can join up with the First Impressions Team.  You can sing in the choir or run a camera with the Production Team or do almost anything else your heart desires!

Please consider how you can serve this fall.  Don’t sit on the sidelines any longer.  And if I can persuade you by using peer pressure, remember that all the cool kids at the Summit are serving.

…at least one in four of ’em, anyway.

Start the conversation.