Idea Infusion

Dear Readers:

For the last several weeks, I have been busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.  Staff retreats, speaking engagements, new interns, new service times, and fielding calls from congress asking for my help in drafting a national health care policy have taken up way too much time.  Because of that, the creativity level on the ol’ blog has suffered.

Insert mental image of a blog sitting on the side of a street corner, ribs exposed, holding a hat out for spare change, here.

So here’s what I’m asking: I need your ideas.  I crave your ideas.  What do you want to read about?  Pontificate on?  Mercilessly taunt me with?  Your ideas are like little golden nuggets that you search for at the State Fair but never find because it’s a State Fair rip-off, and if ever I needed ’em, now’s the time.

So step up.  Comment below.  And realize that no suggestion will go unheeded, unheralded, or unapproved…unless it’s that suggestion from that guy.  Yep, you know who you are.  Don’t even try it.

I’ll be judging the comments as they come in, and most creative suggestions win a copy of my latest book, … um … okay, so I don’t have a latest book.  So you get nothin.’  But still, comment.  Come on…you can do it.  Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Behind the scenes on Sunday morning
  • Why does the Summit do _____?
  • Please yell at us about volunteering.  We like that.
  • Dish the dirt on Pastor _____.
  • Tell us about the mouse.

(By the way, I’ll tell you about the mouse on Friday.  I promise.)

3 Responses

  1. B the Builder says:

    I think you should blog about how big Cornhole has become among Summit Staffers and how Tim Jackson has a 1st through 10th rating for different competitors.

  2. greene21 says:

    How about a feature on new staffers. There are always new people and pastors added to staff. It would be neat to have you give “a little more” on them and what they do.

    You could start with Brian Turney. He is a 10-15 hour a week intern or assistant to the intern or something like that for the design team. He goes to west club and he has a great red beard.

  3. Jeremy says:


    I’ve got a blog post idea for you: Dress of the pastoral staff.

    I know there is no mandate in the Bible nor even a suggested dress code (unless you count a robe). But, what about the angle of dressing to fit your part? When I am on the beach I dress a certain way, when I’m giving a presentation at school I dress a certain way. Now, any dress would really be allowable at either location, but what is most fitting and effective?

    I am from the old school where the pastors wear a suit and ties are more common than shorts. Again, let me stress that I know this isn’t any kind of requirement, but just a ‘norm.’ I’m comfortable with others in shorts, but should leadership take on the persona of a leader in more aspects than just being the one who wrote the message?

Start the conversation.