Watch For It


Every once in a while I have a conversation that fuels me for days.  Last Thursday was one of those.  I met with one of our First Impressions leaders at one of our campuses and he told me his journey that he’s been on over the last few months.  I’m paraphrasing, but this is the essence of what he said…

“I’ve always been passionate about hospitality and customer service issues, but never even considered how those things applied to the church.  I’ve attended the Summit and seen the First Impressions Team in action, but never really thought about the fact that this team is the perfect fit for my passion.  Now that I’m working with this team each week, it’s as if God has taken my skill and passion and is using it for his kingdom, and that’s an amazing thing.”

There were two takeaways from this conversation:

  • I continue to be amazed that God raises up the exact right people at the exact right time.  That sort of stuff never ceases to energize me.
  • I’m reminded of my job as a pastor to help people see how they can use their everyday lives – their passions, their careers, their vocations, their hobbies – and turn them into an opportunity for kingdom-style ministry.

Watch for these opportunities in your life, and in the life of those around you.  Who’s in your circle that can use an everyday skill for eternal impact?


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