Nothing To Say

Although some would argue that even when I say something, I’m not saying anything, this “nothing to say” stems from a great quote I read a couple of weeks ago from Mother Teresa:

“People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”

Many times in ministry – and in life – we’re struck speechless.  Maybe you’re walking alongside a couple who just lost a baby or a lady whose cancer diagnosis is terminal or a man whose wife has suddenly abandoned the family.  In those times, words can be irrelevant, but they’re the things we feel like are our biggest contribution.  And when words don’t come, our sense of insufficiency causes us to miss the greater opportunity.

I remember my mother in law telling me about the circumstances surrounding the death of her parents.  She said that while she remembers little of what friends said, she definitely remembers that they were present.  The lesson?  Words don’t talk.  Presence does.

Somewhere today, someone in your life needs your presence.  They don’t need your words, your wisdom, or your eloquence.  They just need you to be there.  Don’t ignore the opportunity because you have nothing to say, for in doing so you’ll say more than you intended.


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1 Response

  1. pw says:

    “People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”

    without your daily blog dose, …. i felt lost in the world……

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