Got Summer Plans?

It’s not too early to start planning your summer vacation.  I’d like to invite you to join me on a trip to Dubai. The Brier Creek Campus will be sponsoring the Annual General Meeting of some of our church planters from Central Asia.  We need people to lead worship, provide childcare, run a medical clinic, and basically spend a few days loving on some people that are carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Trip dates are set for July 18-25, plus 1-2 days of travel on either side of that week.  We’re hammering out further details such as cost, responsibilities, and support raising.  Find out more by attending our first informational meeting on Sunday, January 17 from 3:00-4:30 in Suite 111.

Want to let me know you’re interested or receive a meeting reminder?  Comment below and I’ll send you one as the meeting date draws closer.

6 Responses

  1. Elyssa says:

    Please remind me about this meeting!

  2. Lauren D says:

    Josh & I SO want to go! Who wants to babysit Andrew for a week in July?!?

  3. Amber S says:

    Can you remind me about this? I’m interested!

  4. Tyler R says:

    Hey Danny,

    Question for you…does Medical Clinic possibly include Dental Clinic? I know it’s incredibly costly, but just checking. let me know!


  1. April 24, 2017

    […] meeting happens in Suite 111 at the Brier Creek Campus at 3:00.  And unlike the other Dubai post where I told you to comment below and I’d remind you about the meeting, I’m not going […]

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