First Impressions, North Raleigh Style

There’s a dirty little rumor going around that the Summit is launching a North Raleigh Campus later this fall.  That’s right, we’re heading down 540 to the capital city…the City of Oaks…the City That Hoards All of the Krispy Kreme and Zaxby Joints and Leaves Nothing for Durham.

Not that I’m bitter.  Or hungry.

This Sunday I’ll be leading a First Impressions Training for our North Raleigh Campus, but you can get in on it too, regardless of your campus affiliation. We’ll be meeting from 10:45 AM – 12 noon in the Bay at Brier Creek. This Sunday’s training will be a high-octane, streamlined version of our normal two hour training.

If you’re interested in being on the First Impressions Team at any campus, this is for you.  If you want to know how to deliver five star service to first time guests, you need to be there.  If you’re a single guy and want to meet some single ladies, go to Kroger and hang out in the produce section, weirdo.

RSVP’s are not required, but they’d sure be helpful.  Shoot an email to Campus Pastor Daniel Simmons and let him know you’re heading his way.

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  1. Ethan says:

    This is pure gold Danny! I love it, and I’ll be there! Thanks for what you do at our church.

    …and I’m totally with you on the Zaxby’s. I love that joint!

  2. jonathan lunn says:

    Hey just because i like to stand and debate about what vegetables i want to throw in my stir fry does not make me weirdo

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