For the Fatherless

You might have noticed that I’ve been more than a little excited about my role at the Summit Church lately. I’ve been talking about the generosity of our people, the priority of breaking people out of “comfortable,” and the auction for a new ministry in Rwanda.

But there’s something else that I’m most excited about. Nope, not our upcoming staff Christmas party, although that promises to be awesome and you need to know that I’m stepping down from the Christmas Party Planning Committee after this year because there’s no way we can top ourselves next time around.

I’m referring to our Orphan Care Ministry. Like many churches across the country, we’ve come to understand the plight of the fatherless in our nation and beyond. Last spring over 250 people showed up at our initial orphan care meeting. To date, nearly 100 people in the Summit have either adopted or are in the process of adopting.

Next Tuesday night we’re hosting another information meeting, the next big chapter in the O.C. (I think I just inadvertently sounded cooler than I actually am.) Our special guest for the evening is my new friend Dwain Gullion, president of the Abba Fund, an organization that provides no-interest loans to families who are adopting.

Here are the deets…

Now, I understand the hesitation that some of you feel right now…

“I’m not called to adopt.” Perhaps, but some of your friends are. How about showing up to find out how you can support them?

“I might be called to adopt, but not right now. I don’t want anybody to make me take home a baby that evening.” Well now you’re just being silly. Nobody’s going to send you home with a baby unless you provide two forms of identification.

See you Tuesday!

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