It’s Official!

If you’re newish to the ol’ blog…say in the last six weeks or so…don’t jump right into this post. Doing so will confuse you with too much cuteness and not enough context.

Instead, start with this post, and feel free to work your way through that series. And then jump back here. I’ll wait on you. Promise.


You’re back? Great. Check out some big news below with the prettiest co-anchor you’ll ever see.

[Can’t view the video in your RSS feeder? Click here.]

12 Responses

  1. Krystal says:

    So excited about this incredile news!! God undoubtedly has big things in store for Miss Haven Franks!!!

  2. Ants says:

    I just did a cartwheel, front hand spring and a double lay over out of excitement!!!!! I made a video of it but the cuteness factor just wasn’t up there with yours so I chose not to post it. Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

  3. Love this! and love you guys! Congrats!!!!

  4. Amy says:


  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Joann says:


  7. Jess Thom says:

    Yay!! Congratulations to all of you!

  8. Betsy B Miller says:

    So exciting, can’t wait to meet her!

  9. Linda Leimone says:

    tears of joy !!! God is so Good !! You are so loved Haven Franks !

  10. Monica Hughston says:

    Congratulations, What a journey! Love you guys!

  1. October 12, 2012

    […] the Franks family. It was just under a year ago that I grabbed the cutest co-host ever and posted this video announcing that my daughter Haven was forever a part of our household with all the rights and […]

  2. October 12, 2016

    […] the Franks family. It was just under a year ago that I grabbed the cutest co-host ever and posted this video announcing that my daughter Haven was forever a part of our household with all the rights and […]

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