Flashback Friday: Best Guest Story EVER?

This weekend we’re celebrating both our 10th and 50th year anniversary. (We can do that because we’re just a bit schizophrenic.) It’s going to be an amazing weekend. If you’ve been at the Summit for one week or 49.5 years, you need to be here. Trust me.

Today I thought it would be good to use Flashback Friday to highlight one of the keys to the Summit’s growth over the years: passionate worshippers who point other people to Jesus, even when it means using…um…unconventional methods to get ’em here.

This morning we had tons of first-time guests that showed up at all of our campuses.  One couple arrived at our Brier Creek Campus about 45 minutes after the service began.  Now, 45 minutes late is the norm for most of our covenant members, staff spouses, etc, but a little unusual for guests.  What follows is the story of  one family, whom I’ll call “Ken & Barbie,” since I haven’t gotten their permission to share it…yet…

Pick up the rest of this must-read story by clicking here.

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