The End of Singles Ministry?

I discovered something recently that may mark the end of singles ministry at the Summit Church.

Now, we don’t have an official singles ministry, per se. We do have singles. And we do have ministry. That nomenclature is similar to my 16 year old son’s friend, who yes, is a girl, and yes, is a friend. But she’s a “special friend.”

So I don’t want to be too crass in saying that we’re ending a ministry that we don’t officially have. Because you get in trouble saying stuff like that, even if you regularly write a blog that always keeps it’s proverbial tongue planted firmly in cheek. Like the time I introduced our Baptism Xpress initiative and got raked over the coals with angry emails and possibly a death threat. (Not really. See? Tongue in cheek, exhibit A.)

But I digress. I discovered a new feature on our database recently that could mean that there are now no excuses not to be hitched around this place. I was shocked, quite frankly, at how easy it is. You pull up someone’s profile, and *BOOM* you get to select the following option:

Revolutionary, ain’t it?

But please, no clicking on my profile. I’m happy with my current family.

(If you’d like to read a legit post about the problems with traditional singles ministry, check out this one by my friend Spence Shelton. And if you want more info about an honest-to-goodness, gospel-fueled singles gathering here, you can find it on Facebook.)

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  1. Todd Conard says:

    Single adults at Summit, check this out…!/groups/213014865433168/

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