Thursday One For All

If you’ve been around these parts for any length of time, you know that every Thursday is reserved for “Thursday Three For All,” a trio of links to things both serious and silly that I’ve been reading and watching during the week.

But I think you’ll agree this video deserves its own top billing and doesn’t need to share the stage with anything else. This is the overhead railroad trestle at Gregson and Peabody Streets close to downtown Durham. Bull City folks will recognize this as the bridge that takes no prisoners. Watch the full 2:48…I promise it’ll make you groan, make you laugh, and put your day in perspective.

Click here to watch “Undefeated.”

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  1. Cathy Clark says:

    This is a big hit all over the internet. I laugh every time I watch it. I have lived in Durham over 40 years and this has been happening for a long time

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