Thursday Three For All

I’m neck deep in volunteer spreadsheets for Christmas at DPAC and also not too shameless to take another opportunity to tell you that you can still sign up to serve. For that reason, here’s three things that have been rockin’ my world this week. (Remember kids, click on the bold print to link to the original post.)

School Shootings and Spiritual WarfareBy far the best response to the horrors of last Friday in Newtown, Connecticut.

…let’s remember that Bethlehem was an act of war. Let’s remember that the One born there is a prince of peace who will crush the skull of the ancient murderer of Eden. Let’s pray for the Second Coming of Mary’s son. And, as we sing our Christmas carols, let’s look into the slitted eyes of Satan as we promise him the threat of his coming crushed skull.

Five Ways to Play with Your Kids this ChristmasWow. I needed this.

During the holiday season, we’re tempted to spend too much time on our iPhones, on the computer, or watching television. Following our example, our kids isolate themselves too. We’re together physically, but no one is having fun. No wonder by New Year’s everyone is ready to get back into the normal routine.

Three Days Til the Alpacalypse. (Not everything can be serious today.)


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