Thursday Three For All

If Days Could SpeakTrevin Wax beautifully encapsulates the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

The tears of those affected are unseen, because they never had the chance to cry. Their suffering is silent, captured only in ultrasound images that show them scurrying away from the intruding instruments determined to destroy and dismember their fragile bodies.

The cries of January 22 are drowned out by partisan powers of politics, the clanging of coins and cash, the frightful sight of moms and dads marching for the right to end the lives of their children, as if a baby were only a burden and not a blessing.

36 Hours in Durham, NCThe Dirty D is quickly becoming one of the South’s coolest cities. And now The New York Times knows it.

The tobacco and textile industries left their imprint on Durham long ago, but now the historic brick mills and repurposed factories form the backdrop of North Carolina’s re-energized Bull City. Recently, artist studios and upstart galleries have multiplied in the flourishing downtown area, where new bakeries, pizzerias, tapas bars and food trucks — and trailers and buses and even the odd tricycle — seem to surface at every turn. Since Big Tobacco is dead, consider this cool mix of culture and food the new Durham blend.

Awkwardly Dancing in Front of Strangers PrankJust because he can. (I’m 99% sure this is West Club Associate Campus Pastor Billy Lowe.) (HT Laughing Squid)

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  1. Jaime Z says:

    Hey Danny,
    Just keep in mind that like Durham will like never be as cool as like LA, bro!

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