Thursday Three For All

It’s April. Which means April 1st has passed, which means that one of my all-time favorite holidays has come and gone. Next year I think I’m going to put up a March 31st post that begs people not to believe anything they read the next day…especially on this blog. Death, taxes, and the annual April Fools post: they’re all inevitable, and amazingly, they all catch people off guard.

So in honor of April 1st, today’s post is a homage to my three favorite April Fools pranks I spotted this year:

Introducing Gmail Blue. (HT Tastefully Offensive) I love it when massive corporations make fun of themselves, and nobody does it better than Google. “Dana Poplinger” is a genius.


YouTube to Delete All Videos, Will Announce its Winner in 2023. (HT LaughingSquid) The beauty of this one? The cameo appearances by YouTube stars. Classic.


April Fools Gone Wrong. (HT Trevor Atwood) “The response was excellent.”

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