Introducing Ministry Grid

No matter the size of your church or the breadth of your volunteer team, you likely struggle with the never-ending need for good quality training. If you’re like me, you’ve spent roughly 40 bajillion waking hours trying to read, research, curate, and create content that will help take your volunteers to the next level. Add to that that at any given moment you have 50 volunteers who are at 62 different levels of competency, and…well, it’s enough to drive a Baptist to drink (Red Bulls. Let’s not get crazy).

That’s why I’m very excited about a new resource that LifeWay is launching next month. Ministry Grid is an online training tool that features a library of 1200 videos (and growing). LifeWay gathered content from leaders all over the country on every topic you can imagine. Everyone from Tim Keller to Matt Chandler to David Platt to crazily obscure people (like yours truly) wax poetic on everything from evangelism to church discipline to the most fun subject in the world (first impressions. Pay attention.).

And the coolest part is, it’s all fully customizable. You just want to expose your kids’ ministry team to kids’ ministry training? You can choose to do that. Just need advanced evangelism content for your small group leaders? Boom. Want to provide training for the left handed blue eyed Republican Walking Dead fans in your congregation? You’re way too high maintenance. Stop that.

And you can track where your leaders are in the process. Once you open the grid and send the sessions to your teams, you can keep up with which leaders have watched which videos, kind of like an evangelical version of Big Brother (so it’s okay. Chill out.).

You want an example of how this works? Of course you do. Here’s one of the sessions I shot with the Ministry Grid team:

Ministry Grid is a surprisingly affordable option for training within your church, and as a special bonus, the first 1,000 churches to sign up will get three months free with an annual subscription.

I’m excited. You should be too. Jump on Ministry Grid today.

No Responses

  1. Jaime Z says:

    Great video, Danny!

  1. April 10, 2013

    […] need to cast vision up. Let him see why it’s a big deal. Make sure he understands that when the sermon starts in the parking lot, his sermon will be better. (And for the record, I’m blessed with a customer service […]

  2. November 12, 2013

    […] Earlier this year I told you about Ministry Grid, an online training tool that will help you take church leadership development to a new level. I’m honored to be a small part of the Ministry Grid video family, and excited that the site goes live today.  […]

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