Thursday Three For All

Are you preparing for growth? (via Steven Kryger) Being a part of a rapidly-growing church for the last decade, I can attest that growth is messy. Sometimes painful. Not always a lot of fun. But part of managing growth is preparing for it.

Let me be clear, by God’s grace, churches continue to grow, usually in spite of us, not because of us. However, this doesn’t mean churches shouldn’t prepare for growth in order to care for the new people as best as possible. Churches should be stewards of the people resources that God kindly provides.

Anchorman and reporter exchange insults live on air. (via TwentyTwoWords) There has to be a leadership lesson here, there just has to be. But I’m so painfully uncomfortable I can’t figure out what it is.


And in honor of Flag Day… (via Laughing Squid) I want to hire this kid. Calm and decisive in the face of crisis? We need more of that. (Skip to the one minute mark to get to the goodies.)

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