Thursday Three For All

‘Mr. Spock goes to church’: How one Christian copes with Asperger’s syndrome. (via @BrantHansen) Fascinating. How are our churches doing in reaching people who feel “like an alien at church”?

Multiple times, each week, every week, I found myself wishing I’d be moved by the worship music, or that I could shut off my skeptical mind during the sermons.

I’d see people in church services, Christian concerts and Bible camps overcome by emotion and enraptured with charismatic speakers, and I wondered why I didn’t feel that way.

Why did I always feel like a cold observer?

Have You Watched Your “Game” Film Lately? (via @robertvadams) Seriously, every last one of us needs to stop and give this one some thought. Where are you doing this in the guest service experience each weekend?

What insights might your team be overlooking because no one is observing carefully enough?

Maybe it’s time to press the PAUSE button and start screening some game film. There are some things you’ll never see unless you look.

A Wondrous GIF Shows the Most Popular Baby Names for Girls Since 1960. (via @TheAtlantic) I have no idea why I find this so fascinating. And neither will you. But I’ll bet you won’t be able to stop watching it.

Start the conversation.