Thursday Three For All: Thanksgiving Edition

Behind the Scenes of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade(via @AOLJobs) I thought it was just about holding on to some balloons.

Macy’s has standards and no smoking, eating, drinking or gum chewing are permitted once in costume. Given that I’m at the end of the parade, I’ll be marching for at least three hours. So I plan to keep my fluid intake to the absolute minimum. Those who march in the front of the parade can finish in 45 minutes. Some have been known to get back home in time to see Santa on TV.


Funny Thanksgiving Help Line Calls(via @ReadersDigest) Back in my student ministry days, one of my favorite annual traditions was the Wednesday-night-before-Thanksgiving phone call to the Butterball hotline. We’d put the turkey expert on speaker phone, quiz her on turkey trivia, and send her a prize package. Boom.

A disappointed woman called wondering why her turkey had no breast meat. After a conversation with a Talk-Line operator, it became apparent that the woman’s turkey was lying on the table upside down.


The Story of Thanksgiving as Told by Kids. (via @PremiumFunny) Sit back, crank your speakers, and thank me later.

Start the conversation.