Introducing socialMEdia™ Small Groups

9 Responses

  1. Josh Dyson says:

    Our small group has been piloting the new socialMEdia model for a few months now, and have some AMAZING progress to report!

    – I’m no longer the group’s leader! It’s funny how that works out – I guess people just thought our leader ought to be a man or more experience, so Carey was elected by a majority that mathematically must include my own wife.

    – We’re WAY more connected on social media, so we never have to actually meet in person. With all the tweets, likes, pins, and hangouts, the memory of that awkward moment when you realize you’ve been standing for 9 hours in a pair of boots and you’re about to take your shoes off is gone; far sooner than its effects are from the living room air, I might add.

    – We all have so much more time for hobbies and social activities that we, each and every one of us, feel like we’re truly enjoying our ideal lives presently.

    Thank you, Small Groups team and Summit Church, for a truly forward-thinking service. I hope I’m not spilling the beans when I say that I’m looking forward to the integration of prayer request reminders on the iWatch.

  2. Jon Thommarson says:

    I can attest to what Josh said. Its the best of everything! Small group in your underwear isn’t nearly as awkward now.

  3. apace0628 says:


    If this is an April Fool’s post, you sure put a lot of time into all the details. I was very curious to see how this would work in real time till I clicked the link to sign up. You got me!

    — Better Together, Alan

    Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

    On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Connective Tissue

  4. Chris Piper says:

    Wow, this looks amazing! I’ve always believed there are other Summit members out there who appreciate the theological implications of The Walking Dead, and now I can find them. Thanks Danny!

  5. conejord says:

    Is this going to completely replace physical/visual face to face small groups? How do you foresee people growing together when they aren’t really together?

  6. lfaccordini says:

    Yes! We started using this a while back, and were able to sync our MyFitnessPals together and do small group simultaneously working out, able to blend our priorities! We saw amazing results! Thanks for being so forward- minded, Summit!

  1. April 2, 2014

    […] Yesterday I announced the launch of the Summit’s brand new initiative called socialMEdia™ Small Groups: the groups that let you grow in grace without getting off the couch; that let you build community without any commitment. It was a genius idea, really: use your already-existing web presence to “do life together” while being very much alone. […]

  2. April 2, 2015

    […] 2014 – Introducing socialMEdia™ Small Groups […]

  3. November 2, 2017

    […] Yesterday I announced the launch of the Summit’s brand new initiative called socialMEdia™ Small Groups: the groups that let you grow in grace without getting off the couch; that let you build community without any commitment. It was a genius idea, really: use your already-existing web presence to “do life together” while being very much alone. […]

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