Thursday Three For All: Thanksgiving Edition

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. And since it’s Thanksgiving Thursday, here are a few especially turkey-centric posts.
(And yes, I recognize the schizophrenic nature of following up a Desiring God post with one about mashed potato construction. Be thankful anyway.)
Feasting on Thanksgiving. (via @DesiringGod, HT @_michaelkelley) Do you deal with “soul crippling selfishness”? Me too. Oh boy, me too.
When God commands us “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) he does not want some mere spiritual courtesy from us. It’s not like he needs our meager words of thanks or he’ll feel bad, like grandma might have. I believe God does feel bad if we don’t express gratitude. But what he feels is not self-pity because we didn’t make him feel good for doing something nice for us. He feels grieved for us because we are missing the point and therefore missing true joy.
How To Engineer the Optimally Delicious Thanksgiving Plate. (via @TheAtlantic) Yes, I recognize the schizophrenic nature of following up a Desiring God post with one about mashed potato construction. But tell me you disagree with Ms. Garber on #7? You can’t.
There may be an art to preparing Thanksgiving dinner, but there is an art, as well, to putting that dinner on a plate. The stakes are high: Get a little pour-happy at the moment of truth, and your turkey-to-gravy ratio gets completely upended; arrange your selections poorly, and suddenly your brussels sprouts are infiltrating your stuffing and potatoes. And then there’s the cranberry sauce! Even a tiny bit of the stuff, misplaced, can turn an otherwise perfectly assembled plate into a mess of tangy hot-pink.
What Happens To Your Insides When You Eat Too Much. (via @TheBlaze)