Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire article.)
From Greatly Troubled to Highly Favored. (via Matt Pearson) In light of last weekend’s fantastic sermon by Pastor Chris Green, this post is a great reminder that we don’t have to be afraid when we go before the throne of grace.
When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, she was “greatly troubled” at what was about to happen. Perhaps she was afraid the news was going to be bad. Perhaps she was afraid that the Lord would call her to the African bush. Maybe she thought God was going to punish her for her sins. Maybe He didn’t approve of her fiancé. Whatever the reason, she was immediately filled with worry and anxiety as to why an angel of the Lord would appear to her.
Everything changed when she heard the news. God wasn’t out to “get” her. Oh no. God was out to bless her. God pursued her with favor. God had a message for her alright. A message that would be hard and difficult, but also amazing and supernatural.
Counseling In Your Local Church. (via Brad Hambrick) Full disclosure: this is more of a plug than a post. However, our Pastor of Counseling thinks thoroughly theologically about the ministry of counseling. If you’re thinking about it for your church, you should consider this:
As churches, we want to minister to the hurting and bring healing through gospel renewal – impacting our church and community with the hope of Christ.
This one-day workshop won’t just tell you how to build a church-based counseling ministry from the ground up, and the advantages of doing so, but also examine the disadvantages, liabilities, and challenges and that come with increased formality. You will be able to decide what level of formality best fits your church.
4 Year Old Boy’s Dream of Becoming a UPS Driver Comes True. (via Tastefully Offensive) Y’all know I’m a true sucker for sappy heartwarming videos around Christmastime. (Hey, it’s how I meet my wife in the middle with her Hallmark holiday movie obsession.)