Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire article.)


Six Critical Needs of Every Campus Pastor You Lead. 

(via @RyanStigle, HT @TonyMorganLive)

Insert “Campus Ministry Leader” if you must, but this is a fantastic read for those of us who serve in a multi-site context.

Need #1: Time to “do nothing” when they start

It’s one thing to read and understand your mission, vision, values, and strategy. It is another to embody it, speak it, and lead it from the heart. When you are on-boarding a new campus pastor, give him or her time to be trained on your organization’s DNA, shadow existing campus pastors, and sit-in on the meetings of various departments. Many people will wonder if you’re paying them to “do nothing.” In reality, you’ll be setting them up for success.


Reading 101…or How I Read Over Five Books a Week During 2015.

(via @robertvadams)

I’ve long been a fan / in awe of my friend Bob’s reading disciplines. I consider it a fantastic accomplishment if I can crank out one book per week. As you start a new year and set new goals, you need to see his key to success:

The first lesson of reading is to learn that you don’t need to “read” each book the same way. Here are Adler’s 4 levels of reading:

Elementary Reading – What does the book say?
Inspectional Reading – What is the book about?
Analytical Reading – What does the book mean?
Syntopical Reading – What does a comparison of books on the subject reveal?

Some books are only meant to be read at the first level; others are meant to be digested at some of the other levels. Know which is which!


Take Control of Your Commute.

(via @mornshort, HT @lifehacker)

In an earlier post I listed a few of my favorite new podcasts. Commute Kit takes that to a whole new level, involving not only podcasts, but email subscriptions, apps, rewards cards, and more. (Please, no reading while commuting.)

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(click for photo credit)


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