Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the bold print to read the entire article.)


Five Incorrect Assumptions About First Time Guests. (via @pastorjasonfc, @tonymorganlive) Simple, practical, applicable counsel for erry church out there.

First-time guests are not concerned with the building’s appearance. 

Churches tend to believe that their facilities are modern, warm and inviting when they are actually cold, uninviting and exuding an image other than what is desired. Landscaping, hospitality touches, smells, colors, decor, seating, safe and clean children’s areas all matter to new guests.


Instant Yes. (via @thisissethsblog) How would our worlds look different if we just served people for the joy of serving? (Related post: The Ministry of Interruption)

The other day, a friend asked me for a favor. I gave him an instant yes.

The instant yes is precious. It’s earned, it doesn’t last forever, it’s easily abused.

Not the yes of, “I’ll look it over and if it makes sense or fits in my calendar or is profitable then of course, I’ll do it,” but the yes of, “yes.”


Ellen Pranks Ungrateful Audience Members. (via @22words) This is fantastic. And also, I’m pretty sure the last guy is our college pastor Dave Turner.

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