Look Out For The Loom List

Most of us have a to-do list. We write down the things we need to accomplish, and then we set about the process of crossing them off. (Or if you’re psychotic like me, you do tasks that aren’t on your to-do list, then write them down just so you have the pleasure of crossing them off. Weirdo.)

The to-do list fires up our feel-good neurons, because making progress gives us a supreme sense of accomplishment. But if we’re not careful, some of our on-the-list or off-the-list items can strike the opposite effect.

I’m talking about the “loom list.” The loom list contains those items that you should be paying attention to, but aren’t. They’re the big project that is coming up. They’re the event that’s several weeks away. They’re whatever is perched on your shoulder, wriggling around in the back of your mind, sucking away your emotional energy that you should be giving to other things.

I constantly have at least a dozen things on my loom list. David Allen would advise a mind dump in this situation. Write down all of the actionable items associated with the looming project, assign a timeline, and pick one or two to tackle. When it comes to your loom list, getting started is just as important as getting done.

What do you need to tackle on your loom list today?


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4 Responses

  1. Michelle says:

    Umm, so true Danny! I teach. I enjoy teaching. I’ve been told that I have the gift of teaching. Yet, because I’m a slow reader and my comprehension is about 1/2 of what I read, somehow studying is on the Loom List. But, once I start and the LORD begins to bless my EFFORT, I remember why I enjoy teaching. Blessings always come on the other side of obedience!
    Thank you for your continual wisdom/experience that causes us to think.

  1. November 28, 2016

    […] the project that we keep putting off, hoping it’ll take care of itself, yet it’s looming in the background and sapping emotional […]

  2. April 6, 2018

    […] Read the entire original post here. […]

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