Flashback Friday: Practical Ways to Prep for Easter

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!


Like death, taxes, and Donald Trump, Easter is a reality. The good news is it’s a better reality than those other three examples (let’s face it: combovers and the cornerstone of Christianity don’t mix).

Hopefully you’re preparing your church for the celebration: services are being planned, worship is being rehearsed, and sermons are being crafted. But how is your volunteer prep coming? Here are eight practical ways to get there:

Talk it up. Don’t rely on all-church stage announcements. Talk to your volunteer teams about what’s coming, service additions, and how they can help. Start now. There are four weekends between now and then, and you should have an Easter-related conversation in every one.

Remind them of the win. Statistically, your church will have more lost people in the crowd than any other weekend of the year (with the possible exception of Christmas Eve). Don’t let your team lose sight of that.

Go big. Easter is not the time to get minimal. I believe that you can never have too many volunteers. So dream a little. If vol numbers weren’t an issue, where would you add teams? Where would you add value for your guests?


Want to see the rest of the list? Read the entire original post here.


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