Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)
The Importance of a Welcoming Church Environment for Newcomers
(via Christina Walker, @edstetzer) This research study is sobering for those of us in guest services world. Pastors: we must offer hospitality as more than an afterthought.
The only people from my interviews who failed to mention a welcoming, inclusive environment as an important element of evangelism were pastors. Three out of six put no emphasis on the importance of being welcoming, and one offered it as an afterthought, the last in a list of many connection points. This was true even when the previously unchurched person in their congregation said that same pastor was welcoming!
18 Simple Volunteer Appreciation Tips
(via @BethanyVSG) Leaders: how are we doing at loving those we lead?
One of the most crucial – and yet easiest – ways to increase the longevity of great volunteers is to show them your appreciation on a regular basis. Showing volunteers that you’re thankful for their servant heart doesn’t always have to be a grand gesture. There are simple, easy ways to show your volunteers appreciation year-round.
Here are 18 ways to show your volunteers some love:
How “Rogue One” Should Have Ended
(via @premiumfunny) I’m a big fan of most @TheHISHEdotcom videos, but they went all out on this one. *slow clap*
photo credit: Jason Mathis