Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)


Always Content, Never Satisfied

(via @gavin_adams) This is rich with gut-checks. How do you wrestle with “good enough is good enough,” vs. “it’ll never be good enough”?

I can’t remember when I first heard it. It sounds like something John Maxwell would say, but I’m not sure. It’s certainly not a new idea. But for many leaders, mastering the power of this statement is novel and can provide new innovations and invigorate change.

At Woodstock City Church where I lead, we are constantly fighting to remain content, but not satisfied. Content because we are partnering with God and his church. Unsatisfied because the mission of God’s church is too big to every feel like it is complete. We take this so seriously around our church that we even labeled it “Make it Better,” one of our six core staff behaviors. “Make it Better” means never fall prey to believing we have arrived.


Four Ways to Improve Customer Service

(via @thisissethsblog) Replace “customer service” with “guest service,” and repeat after me: Every. Church. Needs. This.

You’ve probably guessed that the most valuable one, the fourth, is also far and away the most difficult to create. Culture is a posture that lasts. It’s corroded by shortcuts and by inattention, and fed by constant investment and care.

Big company or small, it doesn’t matter. There are government agencies and tiny non-profits that have a culture of care and service. And then there are the rest…


Baby Flamingo Gets Some Exercise

(via @premiumfunny) Flamingos are beautiful, elegant, regal creatures. Except when they’re babies. (Buzz, your girlfriend…woof.)


photo credit: Jason Mathis

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