Thursday Three For All: Theology As A Weapon, Unsolicited Advice, And Kid Swallows A Horn

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)
Don’t Use Your Theology As A Weapon
(via @_michaelkelley) No comment necessary. May we all heed this.
This year has had no shortage of tragedy. We have born witness to natural and man-made disasters, disasters formed in the ocean and disasters formed in the sinful hearts of men. Disasters that have destroyed property and disasters that have destroyed lives. Disasters that have stirred at least a semblance of unity and disasters that have brought out the already present division among us.
Given the recent pace at which all these things have taken place, we have been living in constant “response” mode, because just when something tragic happens, runs a few days in the news cycle, there is another disaster to take its place. It seems, at least to me, that we are living in a period where the foundations are shaking… and in some cases, cracking. So how does one respond to this? How does a Christian respond to these disasters?
A Better Way To Respond To Unsolicited Advice
(via @gavin_adams) This may serve as a good companion piece to yesterday’s post.
Does everyone seem to be an unsolicited advice giver in your church?
I mean, how often do you hear, “Can I just give you a small suggestion?”
I get it. I critique everything we do as well. When you are a part of something, you want it to be great. When you serve and give to a church, you want your time and resources to be leveraged in the best way possible. Unfortunately, “great” is quite subjective. Every opinion is just that — an opinion.
“The music is too loud.” “Too quiet.” “Too bassy.” “Not thumping enough.”
“The sermon is too long.” “Too short.” “Not helpful.” “TOO helpful (substitute convicting).”
“It’s too crowded.”
“Somebody sat in my seat.”
“There wasn’t enough … Scripture, songs, parking, coffee, snacks, blah, blah blah.”
“There was too much … Scripture, songs, parking, coffee, snacks, blah, blah blah.”I’m sure everyone means well, but hearing this every week doesn’t do my heart well.
Boy Honks When He Breathes After Swallowing Toy Horn
(via @premiumfunny) I tip my hat to the doctor who convinced the kid that this video needed to be recorded. (“Okay (snort), breathe one more time (snicker) for my, uh (giggle) RESEARCH.”)
photo credit: Jason Mathis