Flashback Friday: On Carrots and Sticks and When to Use Which
Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!
We’ve all used the “carrot and stick” analogy at some point or another. Whether you’re a leader in ministry or the marketplace, whether you’re a paid professional or a parent, you have likely tried to assess the right times for leading with rewards vs. driving by rules. But which times call for which method?
Lead with a carrot…
When you can. Seriously. Whenever…you…can. Tempted to use a stick? Back up and grab some motivation. Want to throw down some rules? Take a deep breath and figure out the more positive ways to communicate what you need. It takes little energy to draft up a do’s and don’t’s list and rule with control. But leading by influence? That’s a different thing altogether.
Read the entire original post here.