BaptismXpress This Weekend!

Before you read the following post, take note that the original publication date was April 1. April. First. April Fools Day. Thank you. And carry on.
If you’re a Summit attendee, you know by now that this weekend is shaping up to be one of the biggest baptism services in our church’s history.  At all of our campuses, in all 19 services, we’re going to be baptizing people and celebrating new life in Christ.  It will be a incredibly huge celebration of an incredibly huge resurrection weekend! As we’ve come down to the wire on the weekend, we’ve begun to realize just what a huge undertaking this will be.  Every day I hear more and more stories of people who plan to be baptized.  And although we have dozens of decision counselors and multiple pastors & elders who will be doing the actual baptisms, the prospect for very long lines is a very big reality. That’s why I’m so excited to announce “BaptismXpress,” a new way to alleviate the wait this weekend.  The fact is that many of you have Easter plans already in place.  Whether it’s out of town company or a long-awaited brunch, you just don’t have time to wait to meet with a counselor and be baptized.  That’s where BaptismXpress comes in.  There are two options: Option 1: At all of our campuses, in addition to the one or two tanks we’ll have set up to baptize people, we’ll also have up to ten wading pools per campus. At these pools you’ll have the opportunity to read a Four Spiritual Laws tract, sign a registration form saying that you’ve read and understand it, and then go ahead and baptize yourself there in the wading pool.  That’s it!  No lines, no awkward encounters with someone baptizing you whom you’ve never met. Option 2: For those who are somewhat shy about the public baptism event, you’re encouraged to try BaptismXpress@Home.  With BX@H, you can purchase a DVD of this weekend’s message.  The bonus features include a pre-recorded baptism introduction by your choice of a campus pastor or ministry leader.  Simply watch the DVD, choose your pastor, and be baptized in the comfort of your own home. As you can imagine, our staff is very excited about BaptismXpress.  We feel like this will not only expedite the baptism process, but will allow you to share baptism with your closest friends at your convenience.  Help us spread the word! Preview the BaptismXpress DVD here.
If you’re up for more foolishness, here’s a look at last year’s post…
photo credit

8 Responses

  1. Zack says:

    See, this is where your denomination really ties your hands.

    If you weren’t a strict Baptist, you could have an option 3 that involves a fire hose.

    Or even an option 4 that involves just setting off the fire sprinklers in a designated room.

  2. Zack says:

    Or you could even ‘repurpose’ a carwash. Go through with your windows down and a pastor coming through the radio and boom: drive-through baptism.

  3. Mike Gifford says:

    I was about to get medieval on you my man

  4. Anne says:

    I must admit I have worried about this all day. I was explaining it to my family and they all knew that it was a joke. Actually, I realized it as I was telling it! Silly me!

  1. March 12, 2012

    […] always keeps it’s proverbial tongue planted firmly in cheek. Like the time I introduced our Baptism Xpress initiative and got raked over the coals with angry […]

  2. April 5, 2012

    […] Best April Fools Day Pranks of All Time. I’m kind of hurt that this one didn’t make the list. In 1996, the Taco Bell Corp. announced it had bought the Liberty […]

  3. April 2, 2013

    […] 2010 – Baptism Xpress This Weekend! […]

  4. July 17, 2017

    […] Best April Fools Day Pranks of All Time. I’m kind of hurt that this one didn’t make the […]

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