Thursday Three For All: Used Bookstores, After-Action Reviews, And A Sheep In A Swing

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the entire article.)
How To Experience a Bookstore With All Your Senses
(via @robertvadams) Nobody loves books like my friend Bob Adams. His recent find on a trip to Detroit will make your heart skip a few beats.
Give me an hour to kill and I will most likely head to a bookstore. When I’m in another city for work or pleasure, the first thing I search for is used bookstores (the second is the local’s favorite doughnut shop).
So it was not at all unusual for me to schedule a couple of hours to visit bookstores while in Detroit recently.
On the recommendation of a friend who lives there, Greg Gibbs, I left early for the airport, and headed through downtown Detroit with an address and a sense of anticipation.
Greg had just told me the minimum – a legendary used bookstore that had been around since the mid-60s with “a lot of books” (I should have known he was up to something by the grin on his face).
Why After-Action Reviews Are So Important
(via @michaelhyatt) Our team conducts an AAR after every significant event. Here’s why you should, too:
Training Circular 25-20, A Leader’s Guide to After-Action Reviews, defines the AAR as a “professional discussion of an event, focused on performance standards, that enables soldiers to discover for themselves what happened, why it happened, and how to sustain strengths and improve on weaknesses.”
Simulation of combat is resource intensive and demanding, and it is critical that each training event provide the maximum amount of benefits for the costs incurred. In order to ensure this, each major training event incorporates a process of review from beginning to end; the AAR.
Unlike a critique, which may only present a limited number of points of view, an AAR includes feedback from all participants—from the senior leaders to the individual soldiers—whose observations are often just as critical to the success of the unit mission.
Sheep Gets Stuck in a Swing
(via @laughingsquid) This is wooly funny. And while ewe may love it, the sheep looks tired.
photo credit: Jason Mathis