Snag a Sweet Deal on “People Are the Mission”

This deal has now expired. Please visit Amazon to get your copy!
This month marks the two-year birthday of People Are the Mission: How Churches Can Welcome Guests Without Compromising the Gospel. And like most two-year-olds, this one needs to get out of the house for a playdate.
That’s why I’m excited to offer a limited-time deal on bulk copies of the book:
20 copies for $200 ($10 each)
That’s it: 10 bucks flat. No shipping charges. No taxes. This is the all-inclusive resort of book sales. And that’s way lower than you’ll get ’em on Amazon. For that price, you can:
- Gift them to your volunteers.
- Read them with your staff team.
- Use them to hurl at your annoying neighbors and potentially give them paper cuts.
- Balance that wobble in all 20 of your coffee tables.
As you might imagine, there’s some fine print:
- This is a limited-time offer. All orders must be placed by Thursday, March 19.
- This is a package deal. You can order as many copies as you like, but only in sets of 20. (You can get 20 copies, 40 copies, 2,000 copies, etc., but they have to be ordered in lots of 20.)
- This ain’t Amazon. Orders won’t ship until after the entire sale is over, and they’ll ship via media mail. You should have them by late March / early April, but if you’re on a time crunch, you might want to check in with Jeff Bezos (he’s faster).