Road Trip Wrap-Up (and Plotting Our Next Course)

Last week we marked a milestone on the blog, and if you’re newish around here, I want you to be in the loop.
Since February 2017, we’ve criss-crossed the country (virtually) to read stories of how real guest services leaders are really leading in real trenches. We’ve interviewed leaders who are volunteer servants, part-time, full-time with many hats, and full-time with the solo gig of crafting the guest experience.
Churches have ranged from a weekend attendance of less than 100 to over 30,000, from single site to multi-state, from rural to urban, from brand new to decades old, from meeting-wherever-they-can-find-space to permanent buildings that span city blocks.
And we’ve hit all 50 states, including Washington, D.C. and Texas x2 (because you know…Texas).
I have learned a lot from these leaders, and I hope you have, too.
What’s next for the Road Trip series? That’s a little bit of TBD. But stay tuned…fun things are coming as we [clears throat] expand our borders.
And if you’ve missed any of the past interviews, there’s a lot of ground to cover. You need to read what leaders are challenged by, what they’re working on, and some of their best practices.
Check out the map and go exploring!