Easter at Walnut Creek: a Look Back

All of our lives are marked by watershed moments: those days, seasons, or seconds that serve as a crystal-clear marker of God’s faithfulness.
Easter at Walnut Creek was one of those moments for me. From the beginning, it was a way-too-big challenge crammed into a way-too-tight timeframe with way-too-many other things on the calendar.
But God.
It’s not pastor-speak to tell you that our team had a very specific list of things we were asking God for, and we saw him answer each one:
- A lifting of the venue’s vaccination requirements, so we wouldn’t have to set up testing clinics all around the Triangle for three days prior? Check.
- An abundance of volunteers to pull off the hundreds and hundreds of spots we needed to fill? Check.
- The ability to stop and celebrate the resurrection for ourselves, and not simply “put on an event” so that others could celebrate? Check.
- The multiplication of time in the weeks leading up to the event, creating space and energy for things we just didn’t have the time for? Check.
- No rain / no cold? Check. (And God threw in pretty perfect weather just to show off.)
That whole list doesn’t even include the 200+ who took a step towards a relationship with Jesus. But check, check, and check.
In the end, we saw 15,963 in attendance, 241 who came forward to have a baptism conversation, 193 who went on to be baptized, and 1,170 volunteers to used their God-given gifts to pull it off.
I’ve said it a hundred times, and by God’s grace I hope to say it at least a hundred more: I love what I do, and I love the team I get to do it with.
Enjoy some snapshots of the day, and rejoice in God’s faithfulness:
Wow! What a great day! Yay, God and congratulations. Love those tshirts, too. Were those purchased just for Easter or are those your every Sunday tees?
Mary, those were Easter-only shirts. As a general rule, our Guest Services team doesn’t wear t-shirts weekly, usually just for special events. More rationale for that here.