Merry Christmas from the Franks Family!

(If you’re an email subscriber or RSS feed reader and can’t see this year’s Christmas card, click here.)

As we land the plane on this year, I want to sincerely thank you for being a reader in 2023. The fact that you show up here means a lot to me. I’m grateful for you!

And I’m grateful for Jesus, whom we celebrate today. Take time to wonder, to reflect, to remember the miracle of an infant King, the baby who was born to die and rise again.

Merry Christmas!

Photo credits: Austin Franks, Cindy Behling, some random (yet cherished!) sonographer.

A note to those who need to know: that’s a rolled up piece of paper, a glass of Trader Joe’s non-dairy Maple Oat Beverage, a Diet Dr. Pepper, and a tube of lipstick. 🙂

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