Take the Leap

In life and in ministry, sometimes you just have to take the leap.

Editor’s note: Whoa. Stop right there. Is this an idiotically transparent attempt at taking advantage of the fact that this is Leap Day, which just happens to fall on a Thursday this year, which just so happens to be one of the two days of the week that you post?

Yes. I…

Editor’s note: No. This is dumb. In fact, I don’t think you’ve ever had a dumber idea.

Well actually, I thought about drafting a post to people who doubt God’s sovereignty and titling it “Take the Leap, F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God)” and including this terrifying gif.

Editor’s note: I stand corrected. Carry on.

As I was saying…in life and in ministry, sometimes you just have to take the leap.

That’s especially true in ministry, where the fear of the unknown can paralyze us and keep us from taking the next step.

That new initiative is not 100% ready to roll out? Take the leap and roll it out anyway. You can adjust and tweak as you go.

That new volunteer training seems like it’s a daunting task? Take the leap and get it started. You’re called to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.

That new guest services ministry that might not be well received by the old guard? Take the leap and cast lots of vision via one-on-one conversations. You never know where it might go.

There are times that a leap is unwise and unnecessary, and baby steps are the more prudent path. But with prayer, counsel, and wisdom, sometimes taking the leap is warranted.

What’s the leap in front of you?

Start the conversation.