
8 Responses

  1. Melissa S. Filzen says:

    That is the sweetest description of Haddie Nell and the family. Congrats grandparents. Glad to read everyone is doing well. Love the Duke onsie.

  2. Robin Allen says:

    this is wonderful Danny. Grandkids are great! Love the photos and happy for you guys.

  3. Vivian Penuel says:

    All the feels, Danny–watching our daughter and son-in-love first parent a foster child, then have one of their own, foster another child, and have another of their own–with a third one on the way–has been both beautiful and humbling. I can’t help but reflect: Were we that patient? That intentional? I’m quite sure we were not, but somehow God in His magnificent, extravagant and, oh, so generous grace did His work in my children, in spite of us. And now, our son and daughter-in-love (who is now on staff here at LH–makes me absolutely giddy) are expecting their first one in December, after almost three years of waiting. So, our group of grands will double from this September to December–and I’m not sure my heart can stand it! It’s just the best job in the whole world. Your little girl is a nugget–and that head of lush hair!!! Welcome to the world, sweet Haddie Nell!

    • admin says:

      Vivian, I can assure you that I was not nearly as patient to my kids as they are to theirs. It has been a humbling, encouraging, inspiring thing to watch. Congrats on your expansion! May your tribe continue to increase!

  4. Bob Adams says:

    Pops, you’re going to be a great – Pops! These little treasures of our families will absolutely captivate and change your life going forward (says GrandBob to 11)! Congratulations all around!

    • Danny says:

      Thank you Bob! Based on #1’s current obsession with “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,” I see a full-on Disney trip in the future. I’ll need your notes!

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