Danny Recommends: This Big Ol’ Clipboard

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will help you develop leaders around you, or just fun stuff that you need. Want. Whatever. I have a full list of recommended books and such over at the Reading List, but these posts will go into further detail. For other posts in the series, check out the link at the bottom.
Some days you just need a ginormous clipboard.
I’m not talking about one of those dainty 8.5″ x 11″ deals that barely hold a sheet of standard copy paper. No, I mean an oversized, chonky, huge mamma-jamma that will handle a stack of 11″ x 17″ printouts.
I have used the Trade Quest Ledger Size Clipboard (with a lever hinge clip!) for a few years now. I take it with me to facility walk throughs to hold blueprints and site plans. I use it when laying out new parking lots to mark up a Google Map. I have it with me when training new volunteers so we can all (almost literally because #huge) be on the same page.
That lever hinge clip is a game changer. Lock your paperwork in and those jokers ain’t coming out.
The upside? This clipboard is inexpensive, clocking in at just over eight bucks at the time of this writing. The downside? Currently, Amazon only sells them in packs of three. (But if you see “three ginormous clipboards” as a downside, maybe you and I are not the same.)
Some days you don’t wake up planning to purchase a big ol’ clipboard. But if this is one of the days you did, get you a Trade Quest.
Order the Trade Quest Clipboard.
See all posts in the Danny Recommends: series.
Disclaimer: FTC watchdogs will probably want to know that the vendors listed / linked above did not ask for this endorsement, nor did they provide me with free swag in order to do so. I’m just a really satisfied fan who wants to let you know about helpful things. I only promote items that have benefitted me and that I believe will benefit you. So there.