Danny Recommends: Step2 Neighborhood Wagon

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will help you develop leaders around you, or just fun stuff that you need. Want. Whatever. I have a full list of recommended books and such over at the Reading List, but these posts will go into further detail. For other posts in the series, check out the link at the bottom.
Around here, we believe that the sermon starts in the parking lot. From the moment a guest drives onto one of our campuses, we want to make sure they are seeing a demonstration of the gospel in action. That extends to signage, parking volunteers, and first-time guest tents.
But it also extends to families with small children. Think about that dynamic: a parent or two has survived the Sunday morning preparation routine. They’ve gotten out of the house with their sanity intact. They’ve passed juice boxes and Cheerios to the back seat on the ride to church. And now they have to wrangle a kid or five, plus diaper bags, plus Bibles, plus wait a second didn’t you have TWO shoes when we left the house what have you even been DOING back there?!?
That’s why a few years ago, we invested in Step2 Neighborhood Wagons for a few of our campuses. We have a team of Guest Services volunteers who run the “Summit Express,” a service designed to help young kids and their parents get from the parking lot to Summit Kids with ease and a touch of fun.

There are any number of wagons out there, and I’m sure all of them are great. Let’s establish from the jump that no wagon compares to that of Bing Bong’s, the much-loved and self-sacrificing character from Inside Out, the star of one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history, and if you didn’t sob like a two year old and stress eat the remainder of the popcorn tub when he told Joy to “take her to the moon for me,” then your soul has shriveled and I got nothin’ for you.
But I digress. Here’s the short list of why I like Step2:
- They’re durable
- They’re relatively easy to assemble
- They have those pivoting wheels on the front, which make tight turns easier to maneuver
But forget why I like ’em. Our kids love ’em. Our parents appreciate the extra touch of detail. And our volunteers enjoy being a part of smoothing the path for kids to enter an environment where the gospel will be proclaimed.
If you’re looking for a cheap and simple way to spruce up your exterior environment, I highly recommend Step2.
Order Step2 Neighborhood Wagon.
See all posts in the Danny Recommends: series.
Disclaimer: FTC watchdogs will probably want to know that the vendors listed / linked above did not ask for this endorsement, nor did they provide me with free swag in order to do so. I’m just a really satisfied fan who wants to let you know about helpful things. I only promote items that have benefitted me and that I believe will benefit you. So there.
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