Top Ten Quotes: The Practice of Godliness

I was first introduced to Jerry Bridges almost twenty years ago via his book The Discipline of Grace. That book remains my favorite of his, though I’ve gone on to read others like The Pursuit of Holiness and The Practice of Godliness. (Before you send me bewildered emails, I know that Respectable Sins is probably one of his best-known and most-recommended. I’ll cross that Bridges when I get to it.)
Here are my top ten favorite quotes:
- So often we try to develop Christian character and conduct without taking the time to develop God-centered devotion. We try to please God without taking the time to walk with Him and develop a relationship with Him. This is impossible to do.
- It is impossible to be devoted to God if one’s heart is not filled with the fear of God.
- God must be the very focal point of our lives if we wish to have godly character and conduct.
- Growth in Christian character is never finished until we go to be with Christ and are transformed completely into His likeness.
- We evangelicals are not noted for our humility about our doctrines…Ironically, the more our views come from the teachings of someone else instead of from the Bible itself, the more rigidly we tend to hold those views.
- Contentment lies not in being first but in being faithful to fulfill the function God has called us to in the body of Christ.
- Our situation is never so desperate that it is not fitting to give thanks to God.
- It is a contradiction for a Christian who professes to be a child of the one and only God…to wear a gloomy countenance.
- God does not give us His power so that we might feel good about ourselves; He gives us His power so that we can obey Him for His sake, for His glory.
- True grace always produces vigilance rather than complacency; it always produces perseverance rather than indolence. Saving faith always manifests itself by the pursual of the heavenly goal.
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