Sunday Super Heroes

Every Sunday, the Summit Church plays host to hundreds of super heroes.  These people don’t wear a cape or leap tall buildings in a single bound, but they’re every bit heroic when it comes to providing “wow” experiences for our guests.

One of our First Impressions teams is consistently called to action when it comes to making the Summit the friendliest church anywhere around.  Every week at our First Time Guest tent, we have a group of guys and ladies who do nothing else but help brand new people find their way around.

One of those ladies is Robyn Eason, and last week I received an e-mail from a pastor in Mocksville who experienced Robyn’s first-class hospitality…

This past weekend our church staff went on a retreat at a retreat center in Henderson. As part of our retreat, we wanted to visit some churches in the Raleigh/Durham area and see how they do worship and learn things that can help us in our worship. We visited your church this past Sunday (August 24) at the 9:00 service. The three of us, minister of music, youth pastor, and I were blown away. We were so impressed with both the music and the message. Both were excellent. But the thing that helped our worship most was the welcome we received from your church members. As soon as we arrived I registered at the Visitor’s Tent and there we met Robyn who was so gracious and helpful. She showed us all the important stuff – worship center and coffee stand as well as the REALLY important stuff – restrooms. We had a great feel from the minute we walked in. I started to tell Robyn who we were and what we were doing; however, I wanted to know how your people would treat “regular” people. We were received extremely well. The other church we attended has a ways to go. On the way we home we talked about it and decided that we had such a great experience at your church because worship began when we first entered the building through the friendliness of people like Robyn. You also made us want to come back next week for your message series.

Thanks for a great worship experience and may God continue to bless you as you minister to people in the Triangle.


Van Lankford

Did you catch that?  “Worship began when we first entered the building through the friendliness of people like Robyn.”

Great job, Robyn.  And a question for the rest of us: are we contributing to…or distracting from…a first timers’ worship experience?

1 Response

  1. Amber L. says:

    Way to go Robyn!

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