An Interview With…

Connections Pastor Danny Franks recently caught up with Brier Creek AM’s new Campus Pastor, Danny Franks.  We asked Danny to take a few minutes and explain exactly what this transition means.

Danny: Danny, thanks for taking some time for this interview.  I suppose the first question is, do you think it’s strange to interview yourself, and a follow up: won’t people be confused?

Danny: Well Danny, I don’t think it’s strange at all.  After all, I’ve been talking to myself for years, so it was just a natural next step to document it. As far as the confusion, our readers are lucky that you’re speaking in italics.  And just for future reference, we can probably do away with that whole “Danny:” thing, because you’re going to get tired of typing it after a while.

That’s a really good point.  So let’s talk about your new role.  On March 15 it was announced that you’re assuming the duties of Campus Pastor at the Brier Creek AM Campus.  Does that mean that you’re stepping down from being Connections Pastor?

Not at all.  Like all of our Campus Pastors, I’ll be serving a dual role.  I’ll still oversee Connections Ministry at the Summit, but we’ve been really fortunate to bring in reinforcements.  Adam Moore has been working with our Connections team for over a year now, and he was recently promoted to part-time status as Associate Connections Pastor.  His one-sentence job description is to keep me from having a heart attack on Sunday morning.  So far, so good.

Did you mean to say, “Associate to the Connections Pastor”?

I’ll make the jokes, pal.  Adam is taking on a greater teaching role with Starting Point, overseeing the SP table host team, and managing much of the paperwork throughout the week.  He’s fueled by Starbucks and just got married a couple of months ago, so we decided to pay him the big bucks.

You mean he got bumped up to minimum wage?


What about David Thompson, the former Campus Pastor?  Was he canned, or what?

David is a man of many talents.  In addition to being a former NC State basketball standout, he oversees the pastors and staff who run the age-graded ministries of the Summit, from preschoolers to Young Pros.  He’s still going to be doing that, just on a multi-campus level.  He also helps with staff development and a myriad of other things.  You’ll still see him around campus.

So is there any truth to the rumor that you won the Campus Pastor position after schooling Thompson in a staff arm wrestling competition?

I categorically deny that vicious untruth.  It was actually a brownie bake-off, and he sadly underestimated the power of my Toffee Crunch ChocOverloads.  Sucker.

So what does a Campus Pastor do, anyway?

As little as possible (laughs hysterically, even though the joke was lame).  No, seriously…all of our Campus Pastors are responsible for helping to create an identity for their particular campus, to lead the way in reaching the surrounding community, and to serve as a go-to guy for the attendees of that campus.

So you’re saying you basically make announcements.


Cole Mill Campus Pastor (and I might add, your boss) Rick Langston has been quoted as saying that your blog posts sometimes run a bit long.  Do you think that this interview has been compelling enough to bring people back for part two tomorrow?

Langston blogs about once per lunar cycle, so I’m not sure he’s the best guy to be calling me out.  Besides that, I don’t see that it matters.  Part 2 is already scheduled to post in the morning, because that tentative post on the Christological implications of Hebrews 7 just wasn’t coming together like I’d hoped.

13 Responses

  1. Lauren D says:

    Hi there. Major correction. David Thompson played for NC State. Go Wolfpack!
    Don’t worry, I’m not offended. Duke is a good team. If you had said he played for Carolina though, we’d have big problems 🙂

    • Danny says:

      Ha! Thanks for catching that. Stupid sports person that I am, I actually asked Jason Gaston yesterday about it, but then forgot to go back and correct it. I’ll do that now. Thanks Lauren.

  2. Suz says:

    I don’t think your blog posts are too long…probably because you bring the funny like nobody’s business…most days anyway 🙂

    Congrats on your new role!!

  3. Shellie says:

    First you showed some signs of OCD, now I’m thinking Schizophrenia or MPD based on the voices in your head. You are most certainly entertaining, laugh out loud funny…kind like “rain man.”

  4. Raudel says:

    Congrats Danny!
    You always remind us of Proverbs 17:7 “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

    Your de man! 🙂

    Raudel and Abby.

  5. Raudel says:

    oops! that was Proverbs 17:22

    Raudel and Abby

  6. Blair says:

    I am glad to know what you are doing with your time now, in addition to finding out that David Thompson was such a round-ball standout. He is clearly a “Diaper-Dandy”

  7. jlg5074 says:

    blair, don’t use phrases on here like “diaper dandy” as D-Franks will have no idea what the heck that means. Danny, if you can, without typing in google or, tell me who says “Diaper Dandy” I will buy your lunch one day this week. Ready…Go.

    • Danny says:

      Gaston, I’m not gonna lie…I got nothin’. Diaper Dandy? I’m going to assume it’s a basketball term. Ummm…maybe he was a freshman walk-on, and because he was so young, that’s what they called him? Perhaps he used a cloth diaper to wipe the sweat off when he was playing? Maybe he had bladder control problems?

      Okay, I may not get a free lunch, but at least you know I didn’t cheat and look up the answer.

  8. waddey says:

    You will be great. . . although I would advise not talking to yourself as much.

  9. E-Dub says:

    Pink shirts and now this admission!? Cats, I’m a hoops-hatin’ female and I know what that means and who says it. Clearly you’re spending too much time reading MacWorld, twittering on your iPhone and blogging on your MacBook Air, and not enough time watching ESPN. Step it up, man, or I’ll be forced to find someone “cooler” to toil under. ; )

  1. March 9, 2017

    […] Connections Pastor Danny Franks recently caught up with Brier Creek AM’s new Campus Pastor, Danny Franks.  We asked Danny to take a few minutes and explain exactly what this transition means.  You can read part one of the interview here. […]

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