A First Impressions Primer, Part 2

In yesterday’s post we started to answer a question from Doug in Michigan.  Read on for part 2 of that discussion.  Oh, and happy 200th post, Connective Tissue readers.

Our FIT has one driving mission, and that is to create an inviting environment that engages worshippers and builds meaningful relationships.  We do that in three different ways:

  1. Removing all distractions: it’s easier for a mom to relax and enjoy the service if she knows her baby is being cared for by a worker who greeted her at the door, listened to the allergy information, and called the child by name…rather than a random guy with an eye patch who mutters about the end times apocalypse and smells like beef and cheese.
  2. Defining an experience: we don’t want an experience to simply happen to a guest.  Rather, we want to be the architects of that experience…what will they see?  What will they feel?  What can they use?
  3. Bringing them back: Gary McIntosh says in his book at that the average growing church in America will keep only 16% of it’s first time guests, but if they get them back a second time, they’ll retain over 85%.  To use Waltz’s term, we want to create “Wow!” moments that guarantee a second visit.  Second and third and fourth visits are where the gospel begins to get familiar and people have life-changing encounters with Jesus.

Over the years our FIT has morphed and change, and it looks much different now that we’re a multi-site church.  Different campus FITs function different ways, but every team has the same basic sub-teams:

  • Parking Team: rockin’ the orange vests and walkies, making sure there’s no fender benders.
  • First Time Guests: full focus on the FTGs, helping them get where they need to go, answering questions, making them feel like family.
  • Outer Entry Team: works the sidewalks and outside doors, say “Good Morning” approximately 6,254 times a week.
  • Lobby Stations: Coffee Bar, Info Table, Resource Table…these folks know their stuff.
  • Auditorium Entry Doors: pens, worship guides, and inserts, oh my.
  • Auditorium Seaters: making sure every last person has a seat, occasionally catapults people over sixteen heads if necessary.
  • Collection Team: IRS wanna be’s.

So that’s it, Doug.  The quick and dirty on how the FIT functions here at the Summit.  If you’re a part of the Summit and would like to get involved with the team, sign up at the Brier Creek AM Campus or check in with your Campus Pastor.

1 Response

  1. aarontant says:

    Another book, not really related to your topic, but you mentioned the author, Gary McIntosh, is “One Size Doesn’t Fit All”. It does, loosely, pertain to your topic. The FIT’s approach for Summit may or may not be a good approach for Doug’s church. The concept is great, but the approach is not always. I’ve been learning that with our church here in Sanford, NC (where the entire attendance on a peak Sunday is smaller than the Summit choir).
    If I had a seemingly endless cash-flow, I would keep buying and reading Gary’s books.
    Doug, just keep probing Danny’s brain (the gooey mush that it is, due to Hulu) and you should get some great insight. Thus far, worked for me.

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